Wardens in a Mess
The annual West Lancashire AMD current and past Wardens Mess took place on Friday 17th August at Chorley Masonic Hall. Once again Peter Watson was tasked with arranging the dinner, and we must give him credit for a very successful outcome. Around 20 brethren attended, including the Grand Master, 2 DGP’s and a Past DGP (well, 2 if you double count the GM).
As always on these occasions there is little ceremony, there is no table planning so you sit where you like, the important thing is enjoying the occasion and have good banter with your neighbours. As a starter for 10 it was thought to be a good idea to line the Brethren up against the wall for a shoot (photo shoot that is – tut tut, I know what you’re thinking and that’s very naughty!!).
‘Time to say cheese’
Digressing for a few moments, I sometimes think about the meaning of life and some of the imponderables. This is usually late at night, after a few Drambuie shandies (I should add for the avoidance of doubt). Examples include big questions such as how do we know that the light goes out in the fridge when we close the door (actually as my fridge light is broken I usually ask this question in reverse if you know what I mean); or would it make sense to take a laxative and a sleeping pill together on the same night. Very profound I know.
But the later it gets and the more shandies I drink the more serious the questions become.
‘Time for Grace’
The other night I pondered on some as yet undiscovered laws of physics such as - no matter how fast your car travels on a motorway, there will always be a car going faster (check it out the next time  you travel). Or, getting back to the point of this article there must be one which goes something like - the speed of the passing of time increases disproportionately the older you get. I mention this because much of the conversation on Friday was around – it doesn’t seem 5 minutes since ………….. (insert your own topic). Have a look at the photographs, and in accordance with the aforesaid yet unwritten law, 5 years ago these Brethren might have only been 21 (who said some of them still think they’re 21? - Stay behind for detention!)
‘Time to start’
As per usual, the food served at Chorley was first class and a new innovation of an inclusive drinks package for those who weren’t driving seemed to work very well. The evening flew by (see comments above) and we took our leave to the four quarters of the District at a reasonably early hour. Fare you well Zerubbabel, and may success attend your enterprise (I slipped that in as a reminder for those attending Lawrence Council on the 23rd August).

Words and Pictures – Isaac Newton’s Apple